Crucial Home Maintenance Tasks

Crucial Home Maintenance Tasks

Are you doing these essential home maintenance tasks? 

Being a homeowner means taking on new responsibilities. From the home’s structure to the HVAC systems, maintenance and upkeep is all down to you. To keep your valuable asset in good condition, be sure you’re doing these crucial (but often overlooked) maintenance tasks.

Clean the lint from around your clothes dryer regularly. By around it, we mean under it, on top of it, behind it, and beside it. It’s also a good idea to take off the hose and remove the build-up of lint from inside there. This should be done at least twice a year, if not more often.

Have your home inspected for termites annually. Termites can wreak havoc on your home’s structure and your wallet. This is especially true since most standard home insurance policies don’t cover termite damage. If your home does have termites, it’s best to resolve the issue quickly.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The easiest way to prevent or stop a fire is by purchasing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Fit fire alarms on every level of the home and outside each sleeping area. A carbon monoxide detector should also be located on every floor of your home, including one near the garage. Test these alarms monthly, refreshing the batteries if needed.

Remember, another great way to protect your home with homeowners insurance. Talk to the professionals at All Nevada Insurance to secure the right homeowners insurance for your needs in Las Vegas, Nevada.