How to Keep Your RV Safe During Cold Weather: A Guide

For RVers, winter weather can be a big challenge. All Nevada Insurance Inc. knows even the winters in Las Vegas, NV can be harsh, not to mention out-of-state locations you plan to visit. But with some planning and preparation, you can keep your RV safe during cold weather. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Why you should prepare your RV for cold weather

There are a few reasons why you should prepare your RV for cold weather. First, it will help keep you and your family warm. Second, it will prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting. Third, it will help keep your RV’s battery from dying. Lastly, it will help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

How to insulate your RV for winter

One way is to use RV insulation panels. These can be placed on your RV’s ceiling, walls, and floor to help keep the heat in. Another way to insulate your RV is to use weatherstripping to seal any gaps around doors and windows. This will help prevent cold air from escaping and warm air from escaping. Finally, you can also use blankets and curtains to help insulate your RV.

How to winterize your RV plumbing

To start, add RV antifreeze to your freshwater tank. You can do this by pouring it into a clean container and then using a funnel to pour it into the tank. Fill the tank until the antifreeze is about an inch from the top. Then, open all the faucets in your RV and run the water until you see the antifreeze coming out.

Once the antifreeze is running through all the faucets, turn off the water heater and disconnect the water heater’s power source. Then, open the pressure relief valve and drain the water from the tank. Finally, close all the faucets and store your RV for the winter.

All Nevada Insurance Inc. in Las Vegas, NV specializes in RV insurance. Cold weather can be brutal on your RV, so contact us for all your insurance needs. We’re here to help you!