How and Why to Use Mobile Proof of Insurance

Mobile devices are the new wave of technology and make just about everything more convenient than before. Now it is easier than before to show your proof of auto insurance when you get pulled over by police. This is beneficial for drivers who forgot to bring their insurance card or simply do not want this information accessible in the car. Now you will not have to get a ticket because you left your proof of auto insurance at home.

New regulations allow drivers to show proof of insurance without the paper copy. You can still use the physical copy if you wish but if a car thief steals your car, they also have your personal information. Many drivers get pulled over then realize they did not replace the new insurance card after renewal. But with mobile proof of auto insurance, you still have a backup copy wherever you go.

Drivers who want convenient mobile proof of coverage should choose an agent who has access to this service. Ask agents at All Nevada Insurance and see if you can use your mobile phone as proof of auto insurance in all of Nevada.